Views of Hillforts in Leicestershire

Click each image to zoom to it's real dimensions...


the entrance earthworks at Burrough hill

a view of Burrough Hill hillfort

ramparts at Burrough

ramparts at Burrough Hill showing erosion

ramparts at Burrough

the ramparts at Burrough Hill hillfort

steep defences at Burrough

ramparts at Burrough Hill

banks and ditch on Life Hill

Click each image to zoom to it's real dimensions...

a view of Life Hill

a view of Life Hill

rampart at Life Hill

bank and ditch on Robin-a-Tiptoe Hill

a view of Robin-a-Tiptoe Hill

the banks on Life Hill

Ranksborough Hill

a view over Leicestershire from the top of Beacon Hill

a view over Leicestershire from the top of Whatborough Hill

photos taken by Malcolm Tyers

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